Comp:cluster reservation

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Revision as of 18:44, 10 February 2021 by Gerritg (talk | contribs)
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Batch jobs are handled by SLURM. However, sometimes you need all cores of one specific cluster node and you want to ask other theoretical chemistry group members not to start new jobs on that node. We first used Slack/yoinc to request nodes, but we now have a script to automate this process. The script will put the cluster node reservation requests in a database, and from a bash script you can get a list of cluster nodes that have been reserved.


Make sure to have /vol/thchem/bin in your bash PATH variable. In your .bashrc add

  export PATH=$PATH:/vol/tchem/bin

On one of the clusternodes and on lilo7 (but not lilo6 and older) check this:

  Cn info

You should get something like:

  You are connected to database "batchq" as user "cnuser" on host "cn58" (address "") at port "16034".

If you get Cn: command not found, ask someone to setup a .profile script.

From the command line you can get the manual by just typing Cn, or

   Cn help

Use the spacebar and the b to go back-and-forth through the manual, use q or cntr-C to quit the help info.

Have a look at current reservations:

   Cn show

Reserve, e.g., cluster node cn10 for three days:

   Cn reserve cn10 3

[instruction is not yet finished]